Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Unreasonable Expectations

I have probably always known this, but as of late, I have come to the realization that I simply expect too much from people. I expect organizations to be organized, companies to care about their customers and employees and offer good customer service, elected officials to not be greedy, immature brats, and people to be decent, intelligent and reasonable. That, apparently, in this day and age is too much to ask. Now, I must put my disclaimer in here. I am not perfect, nor do I think I am. I often fall short of my own expectations. Perpetually actually. I think its unfortunate that I both expect too much and that people rarely live up to my inflated expectations. I have noticed lately I really struggle with dealing with the disappointment and often find myself incredibly angry at small disappointments. It is very clear this has to do with loss, guilt, anger and grief. But is it so hard for people to try a little harder? Or are my expectations just completely skewed? Maybe I should work a little on forgiveness. It has come up a time or two; I believe I am incapable of forgiveness for certain offenses. Or maybe I just am incapable of calling it forgiveness.  If everyone always lets everything go, when are people held accountable for their actions? When are they called to be a better person? I understand it is not for me to judge, but expectations are not barbaric, are they? Either way, maybe the problem isn't that people disappoint me continuously or that I disappoint myself, but rather that I need to let that go. Insert internal struggle here.

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